

這篇文宣是由我STANFORD的朋友寫的 他目前在北大交換
喂 別鬧了 他們兩位小女孩今年才剛20歲

在台灣的青年如我們 是不是該好好的學習和振作一下呢?

Stanford Students Bring Silicon Valley
Spirit to Beijing Universities

Beijing, China, May 22 – Two Stanford University
undergraduates studying abroad at Peking University
are doing more with their time here than learning
Chinese and enjoying their legal drinking status.

Tracy Chou, 20, and Helen Zhang, 20, are already showing
their Silicon Valley mindsets after less than two months
in Beijing: this Sunday, May 25, they host their first
entrepreneurship conference for Chinese undergraduates.

The entrepreneurship conference (创业论坛) will be an
all-day event held on the Tsinghua University campus,
and speakers include founders and CEOs of various technology
startups, partners at local and foreign VC firms, and university
professors. Keynotes on “Why Entrepreneurship?” aim to give
Chinese students the kind of excitement about entrepreneurship
that Chou and Zhang are used to seeing at Stanford. A speaker
panel on “Market Opportunities” and a workshop on “Brainstorming
a Business Plan” will give students who have never pitched a
business plan before a chance to give their first pitch to
real-life VCs.

When Chou and Zhang first came to Beijing in April, they wanted
to start their own company in China. “Starting a company or
working part-time in a startup is pretty normal for undergrads
at Stanford,” Chou explains. Both second-generation American-born
Chinese, Chou and Zhang knew their time in China was a valuable
chance to learn more about the technology and entrepreneurial
environments there.

What they realized after a few weeks of meeting Beijing college
students was that starting your own company in college wasn’t all
that popular, not even at Peking and Tsinghua, China’s two top
universities. After talking to the leader of an entrepreneurship
club at Tsinghua, Zhang mused, “Over 50 students are in the club,
which means students must be interested in entrepreneurship – but
not one of those 50 has ever started his own company or has even
seriously considered it.” Chou and Zhang say their entrepreneurship
conference was born out of repeated conversations with interested
students who had no idea how to actually start a company.

Things move fast in China. A month after their initial conception
of the idea, the conference is in place and ready for its Sunday
unveiling. Zhang and Chou laugh, “All our classmates look at us
in amazement when we tell them we’re planning a conference.
They say, ‘This is the quarter away from Stanford, the quarter
to relax and have fun; what are you thinking giving yourself more
work?’ But we’ve had a lot of fun planning this, and hope that
next year, we’ll hear of a few fledgling companies started at
Tsinghua or PKU and it will all be worth it.”

To register for the conference, send an email to
chuangye.luntan@gmail.com with your name, year and school,
and reason for attending.


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